1. download basic miktex from here . ( it's a big file)
2. download and install texnic center . other editors: here.
3. At the very first run of texnic center, u will be asked to provide the latex distribution file. browse and select ur miktex bin folder i.e. if u've installed miktex at mymik folder, then select mymik->miktex->bin).
4. And smileeeeee !! you are done with installing & setting .
Now write your first latex file :
This is my first document prepared in \LaTeX.
select any of the options Latex->ps , Latex->pdf or Latex->dvi (default option). click build & view button (or press ctrl+shift+F5 ,whatever suits you).
There is another easier way .
- Create a new project from file menu.
- Select report /book or whatever suits u from a number of options. In this way most of the usual commands will be auto-written in your document :). Then build & run it as usual.
Here is a help document for typical latex syntex, that may come handy.
5. Including picture using texnic center is very easy.
- draw anything using xfig or you can also use paint .
- convert it to *.eps ,
- if u r using xfig, u can do it with xfig- just click "export" then choose format (.eps or pdf)
- u can use gimp (thanks to arshad sir)
- or use adobe photoshop, just save your picture in *.eps format or *.pdf format if you choose Latex->pdf for compilation.
- Now add the picture by clicking in the picture button .This button will add codes necessary for including picture in your file .
- If you don't want the image file name to appear in the resulting document , then-
- save the image in the same folder as the document and
- use only image name in \includegraphics command (Thanks to nabila for this tip ).
6. For graph plotting ,
- plot graph using excel.
- save graph as a picture .
- add it as a picture (follow step 5).
- but in this way graph will not be very clear, so i prefer using gnuplot
Last but not the least, here are some other help document1, document 2 for using latex
& good luck with latex :).