Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wireless Smart Rabbit

From Sheetal (

Check this out! this is so cool !!

Want to know more ? Go to !

Friday, April 23, 2010

The perfect time

For me, the perfect time to do something is when I have no time at all to do it.
Is this for everyone or just for me?
Just take blogging for example, it seems to be the perfect thing to do only during exams or the night before assignment's due date. And when that's over, the moment seems to be gone and blogging doesn't feel that fun any more :(.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


smile, originally uploaded by benalive.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Extended Kalman Filter algorithm implementation

The project did not end up working the way i expected :(, I tried really hard :((
Anyway (sigh), it might give you some initial ideas about where to start.

Project Description

Check out other interesting projects people did

Grad school survival guide

Very interesting :D
Read it here