1. write a regular expression
2. create a pattern object compiling your regex
3. create a matcher object that will match input string with the compiled regex
4. check whether any matching found
let, input = "fjkl;pokjhA123ss456Apghkit"
u want to read block between 2 A's
regex = (?<=X).*?(?=X) where X = "A" here output = "123ss456" u can only use fixed length string in (?<=X), never use .*? or + in X otherwise u'll get exception
Java code for this:
String input = "something";
1. write a regular expression
String regex="your_reg_ex";
2. create a pattern object compiling your regex
Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
3. create a matcher object that will match input string with the compiled regex
Matcher m = p.matcher(input);
4. check whether any matching found
if (m.find()) { //5. if found, the matched portion will be available at String found =; // do whatever u like }
let, input = "fjkl;pokjhA123ss456Apghkit"
u want to read block between 2 A's
regex = (?<=X).*?(?=X) where X = "A" here output = "123ss456" u can only use fixed length string in (?<=X), never use .*? or + in X otherwise u'll get exception
Look-behind group does not have an obvious maximum length near index ..
Java code for this:
1 2 String regularExp = "(?<=A).*?(?=A)"; 3 4 String input = "fjkl;pokjhA123ss456Apghkit"; 5 6 Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regularExp); 7 8 Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(input); 9 10 if(matcher.find()) 11 { 12 String parsedData =; 13 System.out.println(" Output ->"+parsedData); 14 } 15
Can u give the java code corresponding to your example? thanks!
I've updated it sir. sorry for late :)
Thanks :D
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